Friday, March 14, 2014

Pool Time!

Pool Time!

Pool Time!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kitten Vs. Dog

Soda Pop Versus Pretty Lady....

My broken arm...

I was scootering down my driveway and I gained some speed and then I fell, and broke my arm. Then, my babysitter called my mom and my mom took me to the hospital. Now, I have a splint and a sling, because my bone was broken. Soon, I will get a cast. I hope you don't have the same accident.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My first zip line ride....

This was the pirate's plunge at the L.A. County Fair.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm in The Nutcracker!

Some photos from a shoot for The Nutcracker that I am in.

Student of the Week....

Last month, I was Student of the Week at my school!

Wild Snakes

Once, I was at school, with my friend Gary, on the upper yard. Then, the bell rang. We saw an orange and black snake right near us. Then we ran to our classroom and told our teacher. Even though there's a legend about it, we always go back to look for new adventures.